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Challenges of 2020

This new year what are your 2021 goals? What values do you want to uphold in 2021 to make it better than last year? In 2020 for some of us, it was a challenge to feel grateful for changes in our day-to-day functions and routines, to be unable to connect with family or friends in the ways we would have liked, and to be unable to move about freely. The stresses of 2020 took a lot out of us-emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and even financially. Though 2020 was a difficult year in many regards, hopefully it allowed us to experience some sense of gratitude for what we may not have appreciated before – our family, our home, our ability to pay for things we need, being able to connect with family and friends in whichever way we could, our jobs, and even her own physical health.

As the saying goes, you can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been. We all desire a better year in 2021, and to do so, we must be appreciative of where we have come from and the experiences that we’ve had, so that we can be grateful for the lives we have and relationships with others. Despite the difficulties of 2020, God was with us. And we may not understand why 2020 was what it was, but I do believe as we aim to grow closer to God and understand his will for our lives, we can grow to experience peace- maybe in a way we have not previously known.

Suggestions for 2021 goals

We can aim to make a mindset change that allows us to be grateful for the little things and the big ones just the same. When we are grateful we can’t simultaneously be negative, down or hopeless. When we focus on what and who we appreciate, it causes us to feel lighter in our spirits. Below are some 2021 goal ideas we can reflect on to increase our gratitude:

  • a person I’m grateful to have in my life
  • something I find comfort in
  • my favorite part of the morning
  • my favorite memory
  • an accomplishment I’m proud of
  • a hidden blessing in a difficult situation

From all of us here at Vibrant Women Wellness Counseling (VWWC), we wish you a happy new year, filled with joy so that you can be vibrant in your lives. We encourage you in the new year to focus on what you are grateful for. Identify at least 3 things you can call to memory each day and take notice of the affect it has on your mood.  For more ideas on gratitude focuses, please visit

We’d love to hear from you. Please share some 2021 goals ideas that you have for yourself and or your family you would like to see God bless in the new year. We’d also love for you to join us at our upcoming poetry/vision board event this month. Join us!

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