It’s a new year, which means for many of us, we have or would like to create goals for 2022. We desire to embark on experiencing new and better things this year, so we think about how we can better improve ourselves, our lifestyles, and our relationships with others in our lives. Achieving our goals can be a challenge in different ways but it’s important that we implement the goals we have. To ensure we reach important goals, we share tips to help you reach your 2022 goals.
The Importance of Balance to Achieve Goals
As we think of goals we want to achieve in different areas important to us, be it- health, wealth, career advancements, or growth in other ways, it’s important that we take a holistic view of what we need for our betterment and for our relationships with important others in our lives. As we plan ahead for 2022 goals, an important theme I believe is balance. Whatever our goals may be, it’s important to keep them in proper perspective and consider how to achieve them in a way that allows for wellness-mentally, emotionally, physically, as well as spiritually. Deciding on our priorities and balancing out our time put towards our goals according to our values, can help align us in the right direction. Goal attainment is important but usually not important enough at the expense of our health nor our relationships with those most important to us.
Consistency is Key To Reach Goals
As a mental health professional that focuses on supporting women, I often hear about the difficulties of goal attainment. Among common goals for women are self-growth and weight loss particularly at the start of the year. Women may start off on a strong path towards moving in the direction of achieving their goals, but sometimes because of exhaustion or laziness, progress towards goals become less and less, and may even stop altogether. Starting off with big goals is an important early step towards goal attainment but implementation is also a very important step. No matter the specific goal set, the best way to achieve them is through consistency. Consistency can be a big challenge for many of us, especially if we have no one to hold us accountable towards reaching our goals, so obtaining help to keep us focused on our goals is important.
Get Focused

To achieve our goals, figuring out how we can keep moving towards our goals can be the difference between success and failure. An important way to move close to our 2022 goals is by getting focused. One way to do this is by having an accountability person to discuss progress towards goals. Having an accountability partner or ‘go to’ person can be a positive resource for us towards goal achievement. So whether that person is a good friend, a family member, or even a therapist, determining that person early on and enlisting her or his support can be very helpful.
Tips for Reaching Goals

Here are some additional tips for focus to help you on your 2022 goal attainment journey:
1. Create realistic goals -make them as specific as you can with an intended timeframe
2. Create a vision board and keep it somewhere you will see it-seeing images and words of things important to you can be inspiring
3. Connect with others who are working towards similar goals- you can provide each other with mutual support especially when it’s hard to keep going
4. Keep Your Motivation High- place affirmations wherever you can see them most; it will help to keep you positive and hopeful
You Can Do It!
Working to achieve goals is hard work, but it can be done. Research how others work towards attaining their goals to get insight. For help with getting your mindset in a good place of balance as you work towards your goals visit If you are in need of support as you work towards your 2022 goals and would like to connect with other women who are also working towards their goals, reach out to learn more about the services that Vibrant Women Wellness Counseling (VWWC) offers. We would love to support you on your wellness journey. You can learn about our current and upcoming programs at Be sure to follow us on instagram to see additional tips on working towards your goals